Showing posts with label Celebrate Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrate Life. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

When Your Too Busy Living Life

Tonight, my living room was filled with genuine laughter and deep conversation, as Katie and I crossed off #2 & #33 off our Year 33 lists, respectively.

It was the first time that most of us had met outside of the social media world, yet we all seemed to have been connected for years.

We questioned.

We shared.

We joined each other in much more than a discussion about a book.

We joined each other in authentic living.

As I turn in tonight, I have yet another eucharisto to add to my list.

182. Six authentic women choosing gratitude.

Friday, October 5, 2012

A Little Bit of Grey

They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

So, when one of my apples started to worry about following the rules like it was his job, I cringed knowing that apple fell directly from my branch.

As a child, I would fret about the right thing to do.  I never stirred the pot and never did anything that was against the rules.

Through the eyes of my 5 year old self everything was black and white.

In recent years I have discovered that it is quite possible that my true self may not be quite the rule follower I always thought I was.

I have discovered the grey, and have found it to be quite a lovely shade.

Today, I decided that it was time to take a break from the black and white and live in the grey.

At 11:00, I confidently {that's a lie... I was bit nervous of getting yelled at} signed the kids out from school to take them on an afternoon adventure to ArtPrize.

As we took in the city and the art surrounding us I...

savored the fleeting moments of Elliott still
wanting to hold my hand,

smiled each time Gibson wanted to take notes about 
each and every piece,

even if it meant he was lagging behind,

paused long, to capture these two boys
 and remember this day always,

stopped and asked two different families about their adopted
babies because the boys wanted to tell them about their baby sister,

and soaked in each moment because grey can be beautiful.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Back To The Basics: Laughter

Just over a year ago, I started a Back to the Basics series.  It began as a way to simplify our lives, to slow down and take in the life that was happening around us.

Recently, I have felt the nudge to take a closer look at what it means to truly get Back to the Basics.

One year later, I have found myself asking the question all over again... What are the Basics?

This time, I seem to be stumbling upon answers that are unseen.  All of the qualities of life that cannot be touched, cannot be measured, and cannot be taken away.  Those things that truly make our house a home and our lives a story worth telling.

The first of the unseen is Laughter....

A quote from my favorite book, The Shack, rocked my world as I read it a few years ago...

"... Suddenly, a terrible crash broke into his reverie. It came from the direction of the kitchen, and Mack froze.  For a moment there was dead silence, and then, unexpectedly, he heard uproarious laughter.  Curious, he exited the bathroom and poked his head through the doorway of the kitchen.
      Mack was shocked at the scene in front of him.  It appeared that Jesus had dropped a large bowl of some sort of batter or sauce on the floor, and it was everywhere.  It must have landed close to Papa because the lower portion of her skirt and bare feet were covered in the gooey mess.  They were laughing so hard that Mack didn't think they were breathing.  Sarayu said something about humans being clumsy, and all three started roaring again. Finally, Jesus brushed past Mack and returned a minute later with a large basin of water and towels. ....
     ....Mack was so full of thoughts.  So this was God in relationship? It was beautiful and so appealing.  He knew that it didn't matter whose fault it was -.... Obviously, what was truly important here was the love they had for one another and the fullness it brought them..."

For so long, my patience was so thin. A cup of milk would get knocked off the table... again... and I would view it as an inconvenience. I then read this and was humbled.  How I longed for my home to be filled with uncontrollable laughter.

Now, we laugh.....

Why? Because WHY NOT? 

Laughter is free, it is pure, it is what God intended, and it should be CELEBRATED!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The morning of my birthday, I awoke to a very excited boy bringing me breakfast in bed.  As he sat by my side, he explained that he picked the blue plate because it was my favorite color, used the end of the loaf of bread because he knows my favorite flavor is crunchy, and added onions to my omelet because he knew I would love them.

All throughout the morning, I had two boys treating me like royalty, with smiles on their faces the entire time.

As the boys went off to school, Katie and I made our birthday rounds celebrating in the only way we could think of ..... Collecting FREE birthday treasures. After, much laughing, a ton of sugar, one not so happy drive thru lady, and several HAPPY local employees, we were filled to the brim, both belly and soul...all before noon!

Next up was lunch with my mom and more surprises from my boys.  Not only did they serve me breakfast in bed, but the also made me a candlelight dinner.  We made homemade strawberry lemonade, drank from fancy glasses and polished off the leftover deserts from my morning birthday haul.

Just when I didn't think that there could be any more possible celebration, there was.  Steve surprised me with Sushi making 101 {Thank you, Rob!} at UpTown Kitchen.  Eight friends gathered around an industrial kitchen celebrating me, authenticity and our friendships.  We laughed, shouted SAKI! and made our very own sushi!

And the fun wasn't over, from Sushi 101 we headed downtown for our birthday scavenger hunt. Boys vs. Girls. Running in heels. On the spot thinking. Hysterical laughter.

Words can't describe how blessed I am to have these amazing, true friends,

two thoughtful little boys, a sweet girl waiting for me in Korea, and this handsome husband who loves me more than I know.

So much to CELEBRATE!

"If you don't celebrate you, ain't nobody going to celebrate you."
~katie terpstra

Thursday, September 13, 2012

So long, Year 32

Today, on this final day of Year 32, Steve surprised me with a handmade hammock hanging on our back porch.

I had heard the hammering in the basement for the past several nights, but I was shocked when I opened my eyes to see what hung before me.

He made this beautiful hanging hammock so I could cross one last thing off of my list, to take my long anticipated nap in a hammock and to reflect. To rest.

As he left, he said, I'm not sure why we spend our time celebrating birthdays when we should celebrate the amazing year we were just blessed with.

And with that, I cried.

Year 32 has been an amazing, epic year.

I have laughed genuine laughter.

I have cried tears filled with anguish and pain.

I have said hello to many, many people and possibilities.

I have said goodbye to many of the same.

For the first time in my life, I have let go, and I have lived.

As I pursued Year 32, eyes wide open, I was suddenly aware of life that was waiting to be lived at  every turn.

In my 32nd year I...

completed a flip-turn | did one successful front flip | submitted an essay into a writing contest | went for a midnight swim | INSPIRED one person to live on purpose | finished my Christmas shopping before December 1 | bought a bike | learned to sew| read a series with my boys | attended a retreat | completed a closet overhaul | payed it forward in a drive thru | resigned from my teaching job completed a 30 day CANDIDA DIET | attended mars hill running group | saw salmon run {amazing!} | took a spinning class | made bee-bim bop | bought brown boots | ate MOOMERS ice cream {several times} | raced in a different city | cooked a turkey! | saw mat kearney at the house of blues! | RAN OUT of GAS | went on a color tour | ate my first pastie | sled down a ski hill | got SNOWED IN | built a snowman on a ski hill | bought skinny jeans | went to my first concert at the intersection {needtobreathe} | retold my story took a photography class | hosted a wine and cheese party for Jesus | hosted a craft night or two | was introduced to my DAUGHTER! | attended a holy yoga retreat | visited denver, CO | lost my village coffee virginity | mountain biked on a real MOUNTAIN | survived loveland pass | saw mumford and sons | at RED ROCK! | hiked red rock | took our boys on our first date | chose TRUE as my word of 2012 |  project purged for justice | did revelation wellness in the park | rolled down a hill |  sled arm-in-arm down a hill with three of my dearest friends |  took the boys to their first concert | road in a Rigshaw | brewed kombucha | FLEW to Nashville | heard wisdom from Donald Miller

In the end, life is what we make it.

We have a choice.

We can be derailed by the reality of life and be bitter.

Or, we can choose to live life well and be a part of a bigger story.

What's your choice?

Year 32, I thank you and celebrate you!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Memorial Day {2012}

Alliteration Edition

It is hard to believe as I sort through the stresses of a new week, that it was only one week ago when we didn't have a worry in the world and were celebrating Memorial Day with family and friends.  

For this moment, I am going to escape the cares of this crazy day and go back to relive
 all that was wonderful.

As inspired by The Terpblog's post featuring the Alliteration Generator, and in accordance with my love of all thing literary, our walk down Memorial Day lane will include all things...



Snuggles in the Sun



Sun-caps {sounds much more manly}


Spins around the Lake

Slam Dunks

Skettio Staches


Silliness and, 

Smiles all around!

I am linking up....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

An Unexpected Gift

Today, in my email, I found this priceless picture of Finley Grace and was rendered speechless and sobbing.

She is happy, sitting on her own and holding pictures of her forever family.

She is simply beautiful!

I know the wait to hold her in my arms in not yet close to being over.  However, in this moment, I will rejoice in this picture and cherish God's great mercy on my Mama's heart.

*Medical update: With her latest physical we found out that the hole in her heart had "spontaneously" closed and that her hips were normal.  These were the two things that our pediatrician was concerned about, and they are now healed! God is good! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Care Package #1

It is safe to say that this little adventure called adoption has been an emotional roller coaster.  There are highs and there are extreme lows. 

We survived the home study process, barely escaped the waiting for referral go-around, and now we are in strapped in tightly as we wait to become a forever family.

The conclusion we have come to is that the roller coaster is ultimately broken and that no matter how frustrated we get with the broken roller coaster nothing will fix it.  So, we are just fastening our seat belts one more time for another bumpy ride.

One highlight of this stretch of the ride is that we get to send Finley care packages which has been the first "fun" part about this adventure.

From the day that we saw her precious face we started collecting goodies for our Finley.

The goodies we sent...

A letter. written to Finley and a letter of thanks to her foster mother.
I used google translate to craft the letter and I am praying that it is accurate.

Disposable camera. with the hopes that her foster mother will snap some priceless pictures of this time in Finley's life.  Fingers really crossed here.

Photo book. {as the boys call it, a "chewable" photo book} filled with our pictures and our names.  Again, I am crossing my fingers and praying that Finley's foster mother with look through this every day with her. *I used picnik to add our names

Cuddly bear. {complete with hoodie} given to us from the thoughtful Ms. Katie.

Taggie blanket.  because the teacher in me is trying to work in some fine motor... kind of kidding...but not really.

With four minutes to spare on a Saturday morning our package was signed, sealed,

and ready to be delivered.

 And, in 10-14 days from now, Finley Grace will see her forever family for the first time.

Ultimately, I am not a fan of roller coasters {they're dangerous, unpredictable, and make me nauseous} but in the end I am always glad I took the risk and got on the ride.

I cannot imagine the feeling when this roller coaster finally stops for the last time. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

"Comparison is the thief of joy."

A dear friend found this on Pinterest and it finally made sense.

Women often have a hard time celebrating each other and their success' because we are all too often comparing ourselves. 

And, with each comparisson we are slowly taking away the joy in life.

"Comparison is the thief of joy."

Bad habits are hard to break, trust me, I know!

 But, in attempt to lead a more authentic and fullfilling life I thought I would show  my "behind-the-scenes" just so you know that everyone has them.

I know that through blogs and facebook I can appear to have it all together {my highlight reel}, but please know that the following this the true story.

I am a far cry from having it all together.

Yes, this is my living room cluttered to boot.

And, my table, also cluttered to boot.

Ah, the laundry room.
*note: the basket on the left is actually clean clothes I have yet to put away.

And, as all of my best friends know, I can't put a shoe away to save my life.

There you have it, a small snippet of  my behind-the-scenes.

Women are far too valuable to compare. 

 Let's stop comparing and celebrate each other's highlight reels.

What do you say?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011: A Year in Review

Elliott summed it up best as he cried himself to sleep on New Years Eve.
I don't want 2011 to end, because it was a good year.
And, he is right, it was an amazing year filled with
life changing moments and amazing memories.
Here's to 2011...


We said goodbye to Jade
We ate turtle for the first time
I purchased a life changing rice cooker
I Laughed my way through cross country skiing 
We were thinking about Finley, before we knew her name


The boys continued their bathtime adventures.
Steve and I went on a snowboarding adventure.
We enjoyed the blizzard of 2011 and the snowdays that came with it.
Started to get serious about organizing


Steve and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary.
I ran my first ever 5k with my partner in crime.
We said goodbye to the truck &
hello to our new van.
I teamed up with Sara in a black & white challenge.


Daddy's work took us to the ballpark.
Elliott celebrated his 4th birthday.
We vacationed in Florida where we soaked up lots of sun.
I joined in on the Martha/Mary challenge.
We welcomed Landon Michael to the family.
Gibson played in his first T-ball game.


Elliott was the star student.
The wait to meet Finley continues.
Steve and I finished the 5/3 Riverbank Run with our closest friends.
Gibson was crowned the fastest kindergartener.
Elliott invited us to his school carnival.
And, we played baseball with our church friends on the day
 Finley was born.


I began an Unexpected Chapter.
We went Back to the Basics.
I got to see Steve's all time favorite band for the first time.
Katie, Kmac and I ran our first 10k.
The "Klein kids" went to a Tigers game.
The boys experienced the biggest Slip-n-Slide to date.


The boys and I toured Chicago while Steve worked.
The boys hit the pool for swimming lessons.
We ventured to Holland to see the street performers.
We enjoyed an amazingly relaxing vacation with friends.
The boys visited with their California friends.
We relaxed at the cottage.


Steve experienced his first ever County Fair.
We took in Tunnel Park on a beautiful summer day.
We welcomed Sloane Elizabeth to the family.
The boys and I caught up Grandpa Dale.
In pouring down rain, we enjoyed the Coast Guard Parade.
I canned tomatoes and peaches for the very first time.
The girls and I got muddy.


I celebrated my 32nd birthday and set out to accomplish 32 in year 32.
InstaFriday was born.
I was able to put my boy on the bus for the first time ever.
Elliott finally got to play soccer.
After much avoidance, I attended my first Pursuit of Wholeness Retreat.
Gibson lost his first tooth.


Steve and I enjoyed some time away on a couples retreat.
I am Pinspired.
I cook my first clean meal.
We take a family date to the Griffins game.
Steve and I see our first a salmon run.
The boys enjoy an Indian Summer.


We celebrate our second trip around the sun.
Katie, Kmac and I run a 15k!
Steve and I are spoiled with another getaway (with the Terps) to see Mat Kearney.
Steve rings in year 33.
The boys see their first dead deer...and are excited about it.
Gibson and Elliott celebrate the 1st snow of the season.


After 28 months of waiting, we meet our Finley Grace.
Our workout groups marks our 1 year anniversary.
I host a craft night.
We enjoy watching Gibson in his Christmas program.
The boys get crafty and make bird feeders and slime.
Gibson turns 7!

I linked up to the terpblog.

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