Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Girl's Night. Orange Pebble Studio Style.

Before I had ever heard of The Orange Pebble Studio, I had fallen in love.

I wandered in two Christmases ago and was enamored.  

I looked at each item, and my soul seemed to sing.  

As I wandered, I touched each piece and took in the stories that each told. 

Words upon art were calling my attention as if I were reading them for the first time.

Soar, Dance, Sing, Loved, Twirl, Cherished, Worthy

They were touching a part of my heart that I had long ignored.

I walked out of the studio that Christmas with an ornament that said, Be You.

For some reason it was calling my name, but I had yet to know why.

The following January, the dots began to connect.

I began a journey to my heart to find my true self.  In order to Be You, I needed to find out who that You was.

This journey led me to Kim, the creativity behind The Orange Pebble Studio. 

Tonight, Kim graciously hosted us in her studio for one last girl's night before Finley comes home.

Kim's studio is filled with all things creative.  

There are no rules.

There are no expectations.

.... just the invitation to create, 

to find the beauty in the mistakes.

As the night went on, we found ourselves worrying less and playing more.

...allowing our hands to work, and our hearts to sing.

We made room for grace and found great freedom in letting go.

Thank you, Kim.... for a night that really wasn't about creation, but the creating.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Shout to My Friends & Social Media

Reason #7,433 why I love my friends
and Social Media.
{click here for a hilarious & true take on Instagram}

....without a moments hesitation,
{less than a minutes time}
We all connected and had ourselves
the first laugh of the morning.
*the time on the Instagrams are when I took the pictures this morning.
I can't remember the last time I slept until 10:28!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Come to Jesus Closet Cleaning

For all too long, I have over complicated my life. 

 I added too much to my plate.  

I worried about things that I had no control over. 

 I got overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin and my closet was no exception.

Over a year and a half ago my dear friend did a complete closet overhaul and since that day I longed to complete one myself but was frozen in fear of the unknown.

The rubber finally met the road when Katie proclaimed that she was coming over and she wasn't going to leave until it was done.  

With loving yet stern direction, I was led down the path of denial, self doubt and freedom all in one afternoon as we tackled this monster of a space.



{another brilliant idea from my closet consultant *she even let me borrow her frames}

What I LEARNED ...

Less is more
If you haven't worn it in a year, you won't wear it.
My closet should be a peaceful place
Your clothes need to serve a purpose
Forest green hangers are out of style 
{apparently turtle neck sweaters are too}
There is freedom in letting go.
I have one amazing friend!

After nearly a week post purge, it is safe to say that getting ready in the morning is now 100 times easier, and I still get giddy every time I see my closet.

IHeart Organizing

Monday, June 4, 2012

Memorial Day {2012}

Alliteration Edition

It is hard to believe as I sort through the stresses of a new week, that it was only one week ago when we didn't have a worry in the world and were celebrating Memorial Day with family and friends.  

For this moment, I am going to escape the cares of this crazy day and go back to relive
 all that was wonderful.

As inspired by The Terpblog's post featuring the Alliteration Generator, and in accordance with my love of all thing literary, our walk down Memorial Day lane will include all things...



Snuggles in the Sun



Sun-caps {sounds much more manly}


Spins around the Lake

Slam Dunks

Skettio Staches


Silliness and, 

Smiles all around!

I am linking up....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

40 Bags... 40 Days...

Not so long ago my friends and I set out on the Martha/Mary Challenge in attempt to be intentional as we maintained our homes.  Since that time we also embarked on a husband project in effort to love our husbands well.

Each time we set up a secret facebook group to hold each other accountable, and to laugh together at the adventures that were sure to ensue.

And, each time I walk away thankful for the awareness the project brought to my everyday life.

This time we are embarking of a  40 Bags in 40 Days challenge during the Lenten season.  We have each made our list and getting ready to live intentionally as we cross each one off.  

Ready? Set? Go!

I am joining the party over at...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Race That Almost Wasn't

The odds seemed to be stacked against us {kt, kmac and me} as we attempted to complete our longest run to date in Chicago's Hot Chocolate 15k Run. We had successfully finished a 5k and a 10k and even the Mud Run, but for one reason or another pulling together the Hot Chocolate Run was no small feat.

Originally, we were all about it, at least as all about it you can be when it comes to running for an hour and a half straight.  We were in shape, it would be a new challenge and we would get to enjoy chocolate fondue after the race, and we won't lie, we only run in races that have great after parties.

Then on one of our dark night walks the cookies started to crumble.  We all had an ounce of doubt about the race and we were talking ourselves out of it.

It didn't make sense to travel all the way to Chicago for a race.  We really hadn't been training for it specifically.  Katie was going to be on vacation the week before.  And, was running 9.3 miles something we really wanted to do?

So, we himmed and hawed about it, dragging our feet because we didn't want to be the one to say, No, let's not do it . or the one to say, Yeah, lets do it! ... Road Block #1

After much deliberation, several facebook messages and one sleepless night we all decided to pull the trigger. Take that self-doubt and common sense.

While Kt booked our room, {thank your for your generosity kt's mom and dad!} I signed up online.  Kt quickly followed and Kmac wrapped up the registration with the last click of the mouse.  As each of our registrations popped up on facebook, my excitement began to grow, we were really doing it!

I was over the moon until I saw it .... my sheer haste and mindlessness, staring me directly in the face ... 

No, it couldn't be! But, yes, yes indeed it was.  Instead of signing up for the November 5th, Chicago race, I was now signed up for the December 3rd, D.C race. ...Road Block #2

After a bit of panic and some possible tears, {who would cry about such things?} I successfully contacted someone at the Hot Chocolate Headquarters and was told that they would switch my registration for me.  A near catastrophe was averted and it was clear sailing from here on out.

And, smooth sailing it was.  At approximately 2:14 on Friday afternoon we were loaded up and enjoying a sunny ride on our way to Chicago.  We were chatting, laughing, sharing stories and just passing by Saugatuk, when suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I forgot my iPod! 

This, in my opinion, was even more disastrous than running in Washington D.C. all by myself.  Every non-runner/runner knows that music is key in motivating/distracting you in even the shortest of races, let alone a 15k....  Road Block #3. 

As I sat trying not to cry, again, super sleuth, problem-solving Kt kicked it into high gear and saved the day.  With her quick thinking, super speedy facebook messaging and an almost immediate return phone call she had arranged an iPod drop off with another girl who would be heading to Chicago in a couple of hours.  {I am forever indebted to you e.b. and mr. e.b.} Road Block #4 solved for the moment.

With that crisis calmed, it had to be smooth sailing for the rest of the way, and it was, until packet pick-up.  After several blocks of walking and searching we found a jammed packed central station with a line around the corner to pick up our packets and really cool jackets.  The lined moved quickly and in a matter of seconds Kt and Kmac had their packets.  I, on the other hand did not have a packet.  I, on the other hand was still registered to race in one month in the fine capital of our nation....  Road Block #4.

After a trip to line #1, a referral to the customer service line, a trip back to the packet pick-up boxes, a journey over a strip revealing no name, one more question to the nice volunteer and several reminders that it would be okay from my very patient friends, Road Block #4 was taken care of before we knew it, and we found ourselves posing the the Hot Chocolate mascot.

With all of that under our belts, all we had left to do was eat dinner, hit the sack and run a 15k in the morning, which now seemed like it would be the easiest part of the trip. 

And, with a curbside, drive-by, delivery during dinner, Road Block #3 took a final tumble. Nothing was stopping us now. 

After a restless night sleep for all and a morning full of butterflies, race day had finally arrived.

We were in the windy city, and we were ready to run.

With our ear buds in and our adrenaline flowing, we set off on the streets of Chicago.  We ran through tunnels, over bridges, through brownstone neighborhoods and back into the city.  We sucked down goo at miles three and six and drank Gatorade and water every chance we got.  We crunched cups and pounded the pavement with the best of them, and in the end finished a 15k with the sun shining upon us and a pride we had never felt.  

With the time of 1:26:17 {9:16 min/mile pace}, I crossed the finish line and #29 off the list.

In the end, the Hot Chocolate Run was so much more than a race or the road blocks that stood in the way.

The Hot Chocolate Run was about three friends who said yes.

It was about three friends who took a chance.

It was about three friends who decided they were worth it.

It was about three friends, who in a year's time, have realized that they are much stronger than they ever thought they were.

Monday, October 3, 2011

InstaFriday: B~n~H, Wine Country Edition

A good friend will bail you out of jail....
A best friend will sit beside you and say, "Damn, that was fun."

Although no jail time was served, side splitting fun was certainly had on our second annual B~n~H couples weekend getaway. 

This year's trip took us to Wine Country for tasting, swib, kayaking, haunted mansions, planking and lots of laughter. 

Thankful for the time away { thanks mom and dad } and for amazing friends.

The following is a small glimpse into what thirty-somethings do when they get away from their kids for more than one night.  Normal? I'm not quite sure.  Us? Yes. Love us or leave us.

1. Starting our trip with an Oatmeal Stout at Mackinaw Brewing Company.

2. Trying to capture the rainbow after a day of raining.

3. Our first stop. Lesson Learned: Never trust a winery who has their bar on wheels.

4. Dinner stop #1, The Lumberjack in Honor, MI. According Yahoo, it is critically acclaimed receiving 5 out of 6 stars.  Apparently, those ratings were from the locals.

5. Treasures from our favorite stop, 45 North.

6. Why wouldn't you use a wall mounted rhinoceros for a paper towel holder?

7. Ernie gearing up for our Platte River kayaking excursion.

8. That's why we didn't bring the kids, we wouldn't want to put them in such grave danger.         Although, we did not see a bear or a cougar, we did see hundreds of fish!

9. Cross #26 off the list.

10. Steve and I got to see where the legendary ice cream is made, and the cows that made it.  I have to say, they were the happiest looking cows I have ever seen...and I grew up in Coopersville.

11. Chad firing up for a big night in Traverse City.

12. We thirty somethings got crazy and tried our very first 5 hour energy drinks....the results? red cheeks and increased drowsiness...

13. Steve lurking in the haunted elevator of the Jolly Pumpkin, waiting to scare our friends.

14. Wondering what do do while in the haunted Genvieve's bedroom? Why, plank of course.
      instagram credit

15. Wrapping up our weekend with a B~n~H huddle, "B~n~H, Wine Country!"

16. Finding one last treasure on the scenic route first ever pastie.

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