Sunday, October 6, 2013

Showing Up Like a Child

All three of my kids have a trait I don't know if I have ever possessed.  I was a shy child.  Gibson, Elliott and Finley, however, have the ability to walk into a room a filled with strangers, connect with at least one person there and then play with them like they have known them forever.

They show up as they are, welcome others with no hesitation, and walk away with a new found friend.

I wonder what it would look like if I started showing up like a child...without fear...without judgement...without limits.....?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fabulous question to live, love and step into... as your entire series seems to be. Absolutely heartful words, tumbling from you and onto the blog for the world to see... and appreciate.


    #148 on Personal Endeavors


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