Tuesday, May 12, 2009

project 365

not so long ago i came upon a blog that posted a picture for everyday of the year. what a great idea. so when we got our new camera i thought we should give it a try. 365 pictures in one year. we are only twenty days into it and a challenge it will be. if you would like to join us on the journey head over to our trips around the sun.


  1. Me too! Love, love, love. Might have a copy cat! :)

  2. How fun...not sure if I could keep up! :) The fridge one cracked me up! :)

  3. Loved the picture of the boys in their undies!

  4. This is a great idea! I might have to try this once I am no longer sleep deprived...lol. Love you guys!

  5. Love all the pictures! Your boys are so cute!


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