Tuesday, June 9, 2009

the truth

steve and i have been trying to lead a more transparent life. we enjoy it when we find people who are comfortable with who they are and not ashamed of their imperfections. in attempt to hold us accountable with our family and friends, we wanted to come clean on a few items to get the ball rolling.

first things first. we fight. not loudly. not often. but most often on sunday mornings when we are trying to get out the door for church. not many words are exchanged, but you can cut the tension with a knife. and now that that is out in the open, we are terrible at putting our laundry away. getting it done is not a problem, or even getting it folded. it's the putting it in the drawers that gets us every time. now we know there is much more, but we thought we would let the truth be told in pictures...

we want you to think that our kitchen is as beautiful as this cupboard but...

the truth is that immediately next to this cupboard lie old, mismatching appliances. yes. that is an almond color refrigerator next to the an ancient black stove.

we want you to think that our house is as put together as this pottery barn light, but...

the truth is that not even four feet below that beautiful light lies a hole in our wall, with a cabinet that doesn't fit quite right.

we want you to think that we are organized and on top of things, but....

the truth is the april calendar was up until just a couple of hours ago.

so there you have it, and truth be told, this is only a small snippet of our imperfections. thank you loving us despite these truths.


  1. I think I like you even more now. But that thing about fighting on Sunday mornings...I have no idea what you're talking about. That NEVER happens to us.

  2. I'm with you on the laundry (among other things). Don't you think kids force you to lead a more transparent life? You know they're going to tell everyone the way things "really" are. :)

  3. Laundry...I tend to wait until we have nothing clean and spend hours just doing it. Then I fold it and it lays on our bedroom floor for a long time! There are so many more things I could tell you! We don't even have kids yet and the Sunday morning thing happens to us too! I'll just say my husband is very slow at getting ready! :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love your family calendar. I am thinking we need one, but like you, I don't know if I would stay on top of it! :)

  5. Welcome to reality! The harder we try to make ourselves look good, the more we forget and hurt those around us. About the calendar thing, I still had September on my desk when I was packing up at the end of the year. :-)

  6. love this post...may have to do a copycat one at some point. :)

  7. sunday morning chaos exists in my home, too. i always finish my makeup in the car while swigging coffee and sometimes touching up toenails that haven't been painted in....weeks. laundry, right with ya! dust, yikes! overflowing closets...oh yeah. but my mantle is always decorated and looks good. ha ha ha. loved your post! :) love, amie


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